FLE+ concept

fr / en

Your contribution

Whenever you want to learn a language, you have to speak it and to write it. You have to do exercises !

FLE+ proposes exercises having Living Together and Sustainable Development as the main themes.

Your point of view – along with your culture and your experiences – is very interesting to us.

Actually, all the new points of view are important, for they can help in finding new solutions !
Indeed we want to find new solutions aiming at stopping hunger and poverty.

You learn French, and we learn from your personal history and your experiences.

Your point of view – along with your culture and your experiences – is very interesting to us.

It is more interesting than money !

Reminder : 10 €/an + 10 €/month during 14 months = 160 € to reach B2 level

Screenshot Webzine mobile version 

screenshot de la page d'accueil du webzine Agropunk sur mobile

Screenshot Webzine topics desktop version

screenshot du site du webzine Agropunk donnant un aperçu des thèmes abordés

The Webzine

You can publish in the Webzine the homeworks that you have completed : a few words, sentences, drawings, audios, videos…

Since you use a pseudonym, you can express yourself very freely.

But, be aware ! Every exercise is checked by the tutor and again by the chief editor.

Language mistakes are corrected and help you progress. But any lack of respect, any insult and obscenity will go straight to trash.

Agropunk webzine – an online collaborative fanzine on which a large diversity of junior web editors create contents about Anthropocene.

Come and visit here !

Screenshot Webzine topics desktop version

screenshot du site du webzine Agropunk donnant un aperçu des thèmes abordés

We ask you to be :

Web editor

Through FLE+, French courses improve as well your digital skills

Participating to the Webzine through content production is a great way to practice and learn French.

Yet it is as well a very good opportunity to learn and practice proper use of digital tools.

Evolution of technologies goes so very fast. Digital skills are increasingly a requirement for your future.

Don’t let progress leave you behind !

Volunteer in the associations world

Through FLE+, French courses improve as well your soft skills.

The first reason for failure in learning the language is the lack of practice after the training is achieved. A newly-learned language is quickly forgotten.

FLE+ proposes exercises for long-term memorisation, drawn from the most recent advances in cognitive science. 

However, the very best method is your participation in associative life.

FLE+ enables access to various volunteer missions in a funny and good-hearted environment, where it is easy to meet and to chat with many different people, during the training… and for a long after it.

Our goal : to develop creativity and collective intelligence

with a view to finding new solutions that could make the world a better place. 

FLE+ gives you the opportunity to integrate a unique groundbreaking project, in French, yet of international scope.


Prerequisite : good-heartedness... | and open mindedness !!!